Administration | In English

Moral and Sexual Harassment

Moral and sexual harassment are topics constantly debated in organizations, but little is seen in the media. A topic that should be the subject of discussion in our three powers, and yet little or no action is taken. Our culture brings strong traits of sexuality, our humor expresses this situation well, we even like to speak in a spicy way, the truth is that sexual harassment is far from it, and only with information that society will be able to defend itself and exercise your rights.

Another perversity that has been happening within companies is moral harassment. He is characterized by the abuse of power by a hierarchy greater than the victim, where denigration for him is common and part of it. This practice has been diminished by the identification itself and through new administrative trends such as a more horizontal hierarchy.

The old cultural models of society end up favoring the increase of these perversities within organizations. Laws and awareness measures are not enough to put an end to moral and sexual harassment, there must still be an almost profound change in society, so that it is clearly differentiated between harassment and several other attitudes.

It is important to emphasize that sexual harassment does not only happen to female victims, in the movie Sexual Harassment (1994) we can observe this situation very well, a point difficult to believe due to the essence that is a woman, in the song Mulher by Erasmo Carlos we have this clear print. And to make it clear about sexual harassment, it is always linked to power, to a condition that the victim depends on, as in the relationship with a boss, doctor and patient, teacher and student, etc.

Evidence to be able to convict harassment is very difficult to obtain, but what is recommended is that the victim does not remain silent, does not stop in the face of such injustice, and goes to the end in the fight for their rights. Doing so will not only help you, but also the entire society that is part of the internal and external business environment.

In general, society has been changing, with each passing day they are getting to know their rights and exercising them. All this knowledge should only be used to defend the victims and never to take advantage. Because we will be collaborating for a better world.

Jorge Abrão

Administrador especialista em gestão de negócios, controladoria, finanças corporativas, mercados financeiros e de Capitais e em engenharia de sistemas. É bancário desde 2012, tendo atuado em diversas áreas de agência, TI e por último em risco em segurança cibernética. Já atuou em consultorias empresariais, desenvolvedor de ferramentas gerenciais e professor de Excel Avançado.

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