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Sustainable development

The environmental imbalances that have become more evident since the 20th century, due to accelerated economic and population growth, have drawn the attention of the planet to a very important issue: how to develop economically and at the same time conserve the environment? This issue was debated for the first time in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development (CMMAD) of the United Nations (UN), where they conceptualized with the name sustainable development.

The problems caused by global warming, the greenhouse effect, melting of the polar ice caps, pollution, extinction of fauna and flora species, among others, have generated an intense concern for the next generations, with an emphasis on sustainability itself in the midst of natural resources, which at the same time over the years they are becoming scarcer.

The first organization to incorporate the idea was the Club of Rome, which hired the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which produced a report entitled The Limits to Growth, in 1972. The report was published and sold over 30 million copies in 30 languages. In the same year, with the First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in the city of Stockholm, Sweden, Maurice Strong and Ignacy Sachs, presented the concept of eco-development, giving rise to the United Nations Program for the Environment ( PNUMA), coordinator of international actions for the protection of the environment and sustainable development.

Agenda 21 is an important instrument in the study of solutions for socio-environmental problems, it was created from the concept of sustainable development, incorporated definitively as a principle during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro . Agenda 21 makes industrial society reflect on a new paradigm: promoting growth not only in quantity, but also in quality.

Sustainable development is based on three pillars: environmental protection, economic development and social development. They must be homogeneous, dependent and supported by elements such as society, environment, economy and culture. The main objectives must be: preservation of the environment for the next generations, preservation of natural resources, meeting the physiological needs of the population, and creating programs of knowledge and awareness of the real situation and ways to improve the environment.

There are currently good examples of sustainable development. Ecotourism is one of them, it has grown significantly all over the world, and one of its biggest challenges is to combine development alternatives that bring better quality of life to environmental preservation. It is a type of trade that promotes the sustainable use of resources, seeking environmental awareness and involving local populations in the process. Sustainable tourism is an activity that, if well planned and developed, can bring benefits to local populations, such as economic consolidation, job creation, environmental conservation, appreciation of culture, etc.

Cities can also contribute to sustainable development with urban planning, avoiding problems such as sewage, solid waste, water quality and pollution. Environmental management practices can also collaborate, mainly making natural assets such as the beach, rivers, vegetation heritage and, therefore, preserved to be enjoyed by current and future generations.

Recycling is an option to reduce the amount of waste and improve water quality. Not only recycling known materials such as paper, plastic, glass and organic material, but also the waste produced by civil construction and separating waste whenever possible. Recycling is an activity that not only reuses waste, but also saves energy, water, etc. In general, to achieve sustainable development it is necessary to plan and recognize that resources are finite, and this concept leads us to a new form of economic development, a development focused on the environment.

References and consulted sources

SOUZA, Nelson Mello e. Educação ambiental: dilemas da prática contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Thex Ed, 2000.

WWF-Brasil. O que é Desenvolvimento Sustentável?. [S. I.]: Questões Ambientais, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2008, 17:15:33.

DESENVOLVIMENTO sustentável. [S. I.]: Ecologia, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2008, 17:35:58.

CLUBE de Roma. [S. I.]: Ambiente, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2008, 23:33:55.

PNUMA. [S. I.]: UNEP, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 nov. 2008, 00:04:24.

AGENDA 21. [S. I.]: Mudança do clima e Aquecimento global, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 nov. 2008, 00:31:38.

CABRAL, Gabriela. Desenvolvimento Sustentável. [S. I.]: Geografia Geral, [200-]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2008, 17:55:54.

Jorge Abrão

Administrador especialista em gestão de negócios, controladoria, finanças corporativas, mercados financeiros e de Capitais e em engenharia de sistemas. É bancário desde 2012, tendo atuado em diversas áreas de agência, TI e por último em risco em segurança cibernética. Já atuou em consultorias empresariais, desenvolvedor de ferramentas gerenciais e professor de Excel Avançado.

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